狄仁杰探案年表 很遗憾,我手头没有《狄仁杰探案》(争取买一套吧,毕竟是中国人吗),我手上有《新唐书》但是没有写他在当大理寺卿以前的详细官职,因此部分地名无法译出。有书的朋友帮忙给出正确译名(书名、地名)。谢谢。 狄仁杰作品目录(作者高佩罗,Robert van Gulik,1910-1967,荷兰人,曾经在中国当外交官,中国历史、文化专家): 1) The Chinese Maze Murders 1952 2) The Chinese Gold Murders 1959 3) The Chinese Bell Murders 1960 4) The Chinese Lake Murders 1960 5) The Red Pavilion 1961 6) The Chinese Nail Murders 1961 7) The Haunted Monastery 1961 8) The Lacquer Screen 1962 9) The Emperor's Pearl 1963 10) Necklace and Calabash 1964 11) The Monkey and the Tiger (包含两个短篇,《The Morning of the Monkey》和《The Evening of the Tiger》) 1965 12) The Willow Pattern 1965 13) The Phantom of the Temple 1966 14) Murder in Canton 1966 15) Judge Dee at Work 1967 (短篇,包含"Five Auspicious Clouds" "He Came with the Rain" "Murder on New Year's Eve" "The Coffins of the Emperor" "The Wrong Sword" "The Two Beggars" "The Murder on the Lotus Pond") 16) Poets and Murder 1968 17)Celebrated cases of Judge Dee(此篇是高佩罗翻译的作品,据说是古代人所作,1949年在东京出版,是否为《则天朝四大奇案》?) 年表 公元663年 山东蓬莱县令 The Chinese Gold Murders (黄金案,1959) Judge Dee at Work (狄仁杰探案,短篇集,1967), "Five Auspicious Clouds" (五朵祥云) Judge Dee at Work (狄仁杰探案,1967), "The Red Tape Murder" (红带案) Judge Dee at Work (1967), "He Came with the Rain" The Lacquer Screen (漆屏案,1962) 公元666年 怀远知县 The Chinese Lake Murders (湖上谋杀,1960) The Monkey and the Tiger (猴子和老虎,短篇集,1965), "The Morning of the Monkey" The Haunted Monastery (闹鬼的寺庙,1961) Judge Dee at Work (狄仁杰探案,1967), "The Murder on the Lotus Pond"(荷花塘谋杀案) 668 鄱阳知县 The Chinese Bell Murders (中国钟谋杀案,1958) Judge Dee at Work (狄仁杰探案,1967), "The Two Beggars" (两个乞丐) Judge Dee at Work (狄仁杰探案,1967), "The Wrong Sword" (错误的剑) The Red Pavilion (红亭,1964, 芝加哥版的版权页显示是1961年) The Emperor's Pearl (皇帝的真珠项链,1963) Necklace and Calabash (项链和葫芦,1967根据芝加哥版) Poets and Murder (诗人和谋杀,1968,根据芝加哥版) 670 Lan-fang(西部的边境,?)县令 The Phantom of the Temple (寺庙幻影,1966) Judge Dee at Work (狄仁杰探案,1967), "The Coffins of the Emperor" (帝王的棺材) Judge Dee at Work (狄仁杰探案,1967), "Murder on New Year's Eve" (除夕惨案) 676 Pei-chow(北方荒凉之地)县令 The Chinese Nail Murders (中国钉谋杀案,1961) The Monkey and the Tiger (猴子和老虎,1965), "The Night of the Tiger" 677 大理寺卿 The Willow Pattern (瓷器图案,1965) 681 大理寺卿,到广东 Murder in Canton (广东谋杀案,1966) 下面一份年表更为详细,办案年表与上表基本同,附上了一些案子的简介,不译了。 630 in Tai-yan, capital of Shansi Province. Judge Dee born. Receives elementary education at home. Passes the provincial literary examinations 650 in the capital Judge Dee's father appointed Imperial Councillor in the capital. Judge Dee acts as his father's private secretary, marries his First and Second Ladies. Passes metropolitan literary examination, and is appointed secretary in the Imperial Archives 663 Magistrate of Peng-lai, a district on the north-east coast of the Chinese Empire The Chinese Gold Murders (London 1950). The Murdered Magistrate, The Bolting Bride, The Butchered Bully. Judge Dee's first independent official post. Proceeds there accompagnied by Sergeant Hoong. Meets on the way Ma Joong and Chiao Tai. First mention of the sword Rain Dragon: Chiao Tai foresees he will be killed by that sword (p.31). Chapter XV describes adventures of Miss Tsao. 663 Five Auspicious Clouds. In Judge Dee at Work (Chicago 1967) One week after Judge Dee's arrival in Peng-lai. Mrs Ho: suicide or murder? Solved by Judge Dee alone. 663 The Red Tape Murder. In Judge Dee at Work (Chicago 1967) One month later. A military murder, solved by Judge Dee, assisted by Ma Joong and Chiao Tai. Colonel Meng appears. 663 He Came with the Rain. In Judge Dee at Work (Chicago 1967) Six months later. Murder of a pawnbroker, solve by Judge Dee alone. Colonel Meng is again referred to. Judge Dee decides to marry Miss Tsao as his Third Lady. 663 The Lacquer Screen (London 1962). The Lacquer Screen, The Credulous Merchant, The Faked Accounts Solved by Judge Dee, assisted by Chiao Tai, during a brief sojourn in the district Wei-ping. Second reference to Chiao Tai dying by the sword (p.140) 666 Magistrate of Han-yuan, a district on the bank of a lake, near the capital The Chinese Lake Murders (London 1960). The Drowned Courtesan, The Vanished Bride, The Spenthrift Councillor. Solved by Judge Dee, Hoong, Ma Joong and Chiao Tai. His future fourth lietenant Tao Gan here makes his first appearance (p.153). The rich landowner Han Yung-han appears (passim). Description of the King of the Beggars of Han-yuan (p.118). 666 The Morning of the Monkey (in The Monkey and the Tiger [London 1965]) Murder of a tramp, solved by Judge Dee and Tao Gan; Tao Gan is definitely taken into Judge Dee's service. The King of the Beggars reappears (p.31). Han Yung-han mentioned (p.59). 666 The Haunted Monastery (London 1961). The Embalmed Abbot, The Pious Maid, The Morose Monk.} Scene is laid in an old Taoist temple, in the mountains of Han-yuan. Murders solved by Judge Dee, with Tao Gan. Judge Dee's attitude to his wives described on p.12. 666 The Murder on the Lotus Pond (in The Work of Judge Dee) (London 1967) The murder of an old poet, solved by Judge Dee with Ma Joong. 668 Magistrate of Poo-yang, a large flourishing district in Kiangsu Province, on the Grand Canal The Chinese Bell Murders (London 1958). The Rape Murder in Half Moon Street, The Secret of the Buddhist Temple, The Mysterious Skeleton. Solved by Judge Dee, with his four lieutenants sergeant Hoong, Ma Joong, Chiao Tai and Tao Gan. Introduction of Sheng Pa, Head of the Beggars (passim). Introduction of Magistrate Lo, of the neighbouring district (Chapter IX). 668 The Two Beggars (in The Work of Judge Dee (London 1967)) Murder, solved by Judge Dee with Sergeant Hoong. Magistrate Lo referred to again. 668 The Wrong Sword (in The Work of Judge Dee (London 1967)) Murder of a young acrobat, solved by Judge Dee, with Ma Joong and Chiao Tai. Sheng Pa reappears. 668 The Red Pavilion (London 1964). The Callous Courtesan, The Amorous Academician, The Unlucky Lovers.} Scene is laid in the amusement resort of Paradise Island where Judge Dee stays two days with Ma Joong. Magistrate Lo reappears in Chapters II and XX. 668 The Emperors's Pearl (London 1963). The Dead Drummer, The Murdered Slavemaid, The Emperor's Pearl.} Murders during the annual boat races, solved by Judge Dee with Sergeant Hoong. Sheng Pa reappears in chapter VIII; his romance with Miss Violet Liang. 669 Poets and Murder (New York 1968). During a Mid-autumn Festival in Chin-hwa Judge Dee is the fellow-guest of a small group of distinguished literati. Magistrate Lo is the host of this party. This is set a year after the events described in The Red Pavilion and The Chinese Bell Murders. The case is solved by Judge Dee alone. 670 Magistrate of Lan-fang, a district on the extreme western frontier The Chinese Maze Murders (London 1952). The Murder in the Sealed Room, The Hidden Testament, The Girl with the Severed Head. On page 22 are given the reasons for Judge Dee's abrupt transfer to this remote border district. The overthrow of a local tyrant and several mysterious murders, solved by Judge Dee, with Hoong, Ma Joong, Chiao Tai and Tao Gan. The Uigur girl Tulbee becomes Ma Joong's sweetheart (p.173). Headman Fang's story (p.35); Fang's son appointed constable (p.289). 670 The Phantom of the Temple (London 1966). Three crimes that turn out to be one, solved by Judge Dee with Sergeant Hoong and Ma Joong. Description of Judge Dee's three wives on page 40; more details about his Third Lady (the former Miss Tsao) on page 104. The Uigur girl Tulbee reappears (page 56). References to Headman Fang and his son (Pages 11 and 136). 670 The Coffins of the Emperor. In Judge Dee at Work (Chicago 1967)} Two difficult cases solved by Judge Dee alone, when summoned to the border district Ta-shih-kou during the Tartar war. 670 Murder on New Year's Eve. In Judge Dee at Work (Chicago 1967) A most unusual case, solved by Judge Dee alone, after he had been four years in Lan-fang. 676 Magistrate of Pei-chow, a desolate district up in the barren north The Chinese Nail Murders (London 1961). The Headless Corpse, The Paper Cat, The Murdered Merchant After only a few months in this new post, Judge Dee was appointed Lord Chief Justice, in the capital. In Pei-chow he solves several particularly cruel murders, with Hoong, Ma Joong, Chiao Tai and Tao Gan; but Sergeant Hoong is killed while working on a case. The antecedents of Judge Dee's three wives are given on page 116. Introduction of Mrs Kuo, the Lady of the Medicine Hill (page 38). 676 The Night of the Tiger (in The Monkey and the Tiger [London 1965]) Murder of a young girl, solved by Judge Dee alone when, on his way from Pei-chow to the capital, he has to stay overnight in a lonely country house. References to Mrs Kuo and Sergeants Hoong's death, on page 91. 677 Lord Chief Justice, in the imperial capital The Willow Pattern (London 1965). The Willow Pattern, The Steep Staircase, The Murdered Bondmaid. Judge Dee has taken up his new office of Lord Chief Justice, Ma Joong and Chiao Tai have been appointed Colonels of the Guard, Tao Gan chief secretary of the Metropolitan Court. Ma Joong marries the Yuan twin sisters. 681 Lord Chief Justice Murder in Canton (London 1966). The Vanished Censor, The Smaragdine Dancer, The Golden Bell Scene is laid in Canton, where Judge Dee has been sent on a special mission. Murders solved by Judge Dee, with the assistance of Chiao Tai and Tao Gan. Chiao Tai is killed by the sword Rain Dragon. Tao Gan decides to marry Miss Liang. Reference to Mrs Kuo and the tragedy on Medicine Hill on page 160. |
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