7 楼:
05年06月10日17点56分 |
呵呵 他老师很强啊 有个小故事……
"Well, my man," Bell said, after a quick glance at the patient, "you’ve served in the army."
"Aye, sir," the patient replied.
"Not long discharged ?"
"No, sir."
"A Highland regiment ?"
"Aye, sir."
"A non-com officer ?"
"Aye, sir."
"Stationed at Barbados ?"
"Aye, sir."
Bell turned to his bewildered students. "You see, gentlemen," he explained, "the man was a
respectful man but did not remove his hat. They do not in the army, but he would have
learned civilian ways had he been long discharged. He has an air of authority and he is obviously
Scottish. As to Barbados, his complaint is elephantiasis, which is West Indian and not British,
and the Scottish regiments are at present in that particular island."
[此贴被sholmes于2005-6-10 23:23:23修改过]
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