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侦探小说的技巧 (1913) 作者:CAROLYN WELLS
目录: CHAPTER I —永恒的好奇
1. 对求知的好奇是普遍的 2. 早期的谜题 3. 解谜的激情 CHAPTER II — 神秘文学 1. 神秘小说的公正处 2. 神秘小说也是艺术 3. 对手和主角的声明 CHAPTER III — THE HISTORY OF MYSTERY (神秘小说的历史) 1. Ancient Mystery Tales(古代的神秘小说) CHAPTER IV — GHOST STORIES (鬼故事) 1. A Working Classification(工作的分类) 2. The Ghost Story(鬼故事) 3. Famous Ghost Stories(著名的鬼故事) 4. The Humorous Ghost Story(幽默的鬼故事) CHAPTER V — RIDDLE STORIES (谜语故事) 1. Some Notable Riddle Stories(一些值得注意的谜语故事) 2. The Nature of the Riddle Story and Its Types(谜语故事的本性和类型) CHAPTER VI — DETECTIVE STORIES (侦探小说) 1. What Is a Detective Story(什么是侦探小说) 2. Rise of the Detective Story(侦探小说的起源) 3. The Detective — Fictive and Real(侦探——虚构的和真实的) 4. Fiction versus Fact(虚构vs真实) 5. The Interest of the Detective Story(侦探小说的影响) 6. A Summing Up(总结) CHAPTER VII — THE DETECTIVE (侦探) 1. The Real Detective and His Work(真正的侦探和他的作品) 2. Fictive Detective Material(虚构的侦探素材) 3. The Transcendent Detective(卓越的侦探) 4. Pioneer Detectives of Fiction(虚构侦探的先驱) 5. Recent Detectives of Fiction(新近的虚构侦探) 6. The Scientific Detective of Fiction(虚构的科学侦探) 7. The New Psychology in Detective Stories(侦探小说中的新心理学) 8. Other Types(其他类型) CHAPTER VIII — DEDUCTION (演绎法) 1. Ratiocination in Early Detective Stories(早期侦探小说中的推理) 2. Deduction Used in Every-day Life(演绎被用于日常生活) 3. The Analytical Element in the Detective Story(侦探小说中的分析要素) 4. Poe's Detective — The Prototype(坡的侦探——侦探原型) 5. The Detective in the Novel(长篇小说中的侦探) CHAPTER IX — APPLIED PRINCIPLES (实用原理) 1. The Detectives of Poe, Doyle, and Gaboriau(坡、道尔和加博里奥的侦探) 2. Individuality of these Detectives(这些侦探的个性) 3. The Real Sherlock Holmes(真正的歇洛克·福尔摩斯) CHAPTER X — THE RATIONALE OF RATIOCINATION (推理的基本原理) 1. Sherlock Holmes' Method(歇洛克·福尔摩斯的方法) 2. Lecoq's Method(勒考克的方法) 3. Other Methods(其他方法) 4. Holmes' Method Evaluated(福尔摩斯方法的评价) 5. The Inductive and the Deductive Methods(直觉和侦探的方法) 6. Two Striking Examples(惊人的例子) CHAPTER XI — CLOSE OBSERVATION (近距离观察) 1. The Search for Clues(线索的寻找) 2. The Bizarre in Crime(犯罪的奇异性) 3. The Value of the Trivial(琐事的价值) 4. The Tricks of Imitation(模仿的诡计) CHAPTER XII — OTHER DETECTIVES OF FICTION (其他的虚构侦探) 1. Some Original Traits(一些最初的特性) 2. Two Unique Detectives(两个独特的侦探) CHAPTER XIII — PORTRAITS (肖像) 1. Some Early Detective Portraits(一些早期侦探的肖像) 2. Some More Modern Portraits(一些更现代的侦探的肖像) 3. Some Less Known Portraits(一些不为人知的侦探的肖像) 4. Idiosyncrasies of Fictional Detectives(虚构侦探的特性) 5. Favorite Phrases of Detectives(侦探的习惯用语) CHAPTER XIV — DEVIOUS DEVICES (狡猾的诡计) 1. Snow and Rain(雪和雨) 2. Some Particularly Hackneyed Devices(一些独特的常见的诡计) 3. Devices Which Are Not Plausible(并不似是而非的诡计) CHAPTER XV — FOOTPRINTS AND FINGERPRINTS (脚印和指纹) 1. The Omnipresence of Footprints(无所不在的脚印) 2. Other Miraculous Discoveries(其他奇迹的发现) 3. Remarkable Deductions from Footprints(对脚印的非凡的演绎) 4. Fingerprints and Teeth-marks(指纹和牙痕) CHAPTER XVI — MORE DEVICES (更多的诡计) 1. Tabulated Clues(线索列表) 2. Worn-out Devices(泛滥的诡计) 3. The Use of Disguise(伪装的使用) 4. Other "Properties"(其他"道具") CHAPTER XVII — FAKE DEVICES (假的诡计) 1. The "Trace" Fallacy("痕迹"的谬论) 2. The Destruction of Evidence(证据的破坏) 3. False Hypotheses(虚假的臆测) 4. Errors of Fact and of Inference(事实和推论的误差) 5. The Use of Illustrative Plans(说明性计划的使用) 6. The Locked and Barred Room(密室) CHAPTER XV — MURDER IN GENERAL (一般的谋杀) 1. Murder Considered in the Abstract(谋杀概述) 2. Murder as a Fine Art(谋杀是门杰出的艺术) 3. The Murder Theme(谋杀的主旋律) 4. The Robbery Theme(抢劫的主旋律) 5. The Mysterious Disappearance(神秘的消失) CHAPTER XIX — PERSONS IN THE STORY (故事里的人们) 1. The Victim(受害者) 2. The Criminal(凶手) 3. Faulty Portrayal of the Criminal(罪犯过失的描写) 4. The Secondary Detective(次要的侦探) 5. The Suspects(嫌疑犯) 6. The Heroine and the Element of Romance(女主人公和浪漫成分) 7. The Police(警察) 8. The Supernumeraries(其他人员) CHAPTER XX — THE HANDLING OF THE CRIME (罪行的处理) CHAPTER XXI — THE MOTIVE (动机) CHAPTER XXII — EVIDENCE (证据) 1. The Coroner(验尸官) 2. The Inquest(审讯) 3. The Witnesses(证人) 4. Presentation of the Evidence(证据的陈述) 5. Circumstantial Evidence(间接证据) 6. Deductions from Evidence(证据的演绎) 7. Deductions from Clues(线索的演绎) 8. Evidence by Applied Psychology(应用心理学的证据) 9. Direct Observation(直接观察) 10. Exactness of Detail(细节的精确) 11. Theories of Evidence(证据理论) CHAPTER XXIII — STRUCTURE (结构) 1. Length(长度) 2. The Short-Story and the Novel(短篇小说和长篇小说) 3. Singleness of Plot in the Detective Story(侦探小说情节的单一性) 4. The Question of Length(审问的长度) 5. The Narrator in the Detective Story(侦探小说中的叙述者) 6. The Setting(设置) CHAPTER XXIV — PLOTS (情节) 1. The Plot is the Story(情节就是小说) 2. Constructing the Plot(情节的构造) 3. Maintaining Suspense(持续的悬念) 4. Planning the Story(小说中的计划编制) 5. The Question of Humor(幽默的问题) 6. Some Unique Devices(一些独特的策略) CHAPTER XXV — FURTHER ADVICES (更多的建议) 1. The Use of Coincidences(偶然事件的使用) 2. The Use of Melodrama(情节剧的使用) 3. Dullness(迟钝) 4. Unique Plots and their Solubility(独特的情节和它们的可解释性) 5. Women as Writers of Detective Stories(女性侦探小说家) CHAPTER XXVI — FINAL ADVICES (最后的建议) 1. General Qualities of the Detective Story(侦探小说一般的质量) 2. Correctness(正确性) 3. Names(名字) 4. Titles(标题)
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