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主 题: Fox And I ※ THE BROKEN WINDOW(人气:806)
1 楼: Fox And I ※ THE BR... 04年03月28日14点56分


One day, when I was doing my homework with my fox in my home, I heard a quarrel from above, then came a noise
liked the glass was broken. I heard for a little while and break into the room with my fox. I found a man lying
on the floor near the window, dead. Fox and I stayed in silence.
“Murder case!” waited for a moment, my fox cried.
I looked around. The window was closed and the glass of which was broken. There was a rope fastened to an
armchair which stood against the wall. The other end of the rope hung out of the broken window. Around the man
was lots of small glass.
“Let’s call police! Now!” My fox cried again.
“Wait. It seems that it is a murder case, but I dare say he was killed by himself.” I said quietly.
“Why? How dare you say so?” Said my fox, surprised.
“Look at these glass.” I pointed at the broken window. “If someone killed him and broke the glass to ran out
of the window by the rope, the broken glass would be out of the room, wouldn’t?” I said calmly, “But there are
some pieces of glass under his body. Why?”
“But, perhaps it was broken when they were quarrelling, then the murderer killed him.” Said my fox.
“My dear fox.” I said, “The window was supposed to open when it was broking, but it is closed now.
The ‘killer’ would have run through the broken window, didn’t he? It was unusual.
“So I said he killed himself by the broken glass. All right. Call the police. My little fox.” I went
toward the door.
“But the quarrel…” My fox asked.
“He invented all the thing besides the quarrel.” I turned and smiled.


※来源: 【 推理之门 Tuili.Com 】.

2 楼: Re:Fox And I ※ THE... 04年03月28日17点23分



“Murder case!”虾米意思?


※来源: 【 推理之门 Tuili.Com 】.

3 楼: Re:Re:Fox And I ※ ... 04年03月28日18点00分


>“Murder case!”虾米意思?


[img src="http://www.tuili.com/bbsshowimg.asp?userid=傻瓜哈希"]

Blog:  [url]hash.yculblog.com[/url]
Email: [email]wangwang1982ren@163.com[/email]

※来源: 【 推理之门 Tuili.Com 】.

4 楼: Re:Re:Fox And I ※ ... 04年03月30日13点21分



不过在这里是我的宠物狐狸 ……:e

※来源: 【 推理之门 Tuili.Com 】.

5 楼: Re:Re:Re:Fox And I... 04年03月30日14点22分



>不过在这里是我的宠物狐狸 ……:e


※来源: 【 推理之门 Tuili.Com 】.

6 楼: Re:Re:Re:Re:Fox An... 04年03月30日18点49分


>>不过在这里是我的宠物狐狸 ……:e



※来源: 【 推理之门 Tuili.Com 】.

7 楼: Re:Fox And I ※ THE... 04年03月30日19点01分

The window was closed and the glass of which was broken.

“If someone killed him and broke the glass to ran out
>of the window by the rope, the broken glass would be out of the room, wouldn’t?”


※来源: 【 推理之门 Tuili.Com 】.

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