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03年12月11日10点05分 |
天后这个帽子不知道是谁给评的? 【罗塞帝在大作中谈到:】 > >中文版介绍: > >【作家檔案】 > 愛爾蘭後裔,在紐約出生、成長,目前定居紐澤西 > 常說自己體內流著愛爾蘭人的血液,所以天生是個說故事的高手,從1956年開始在雜誌上發表作品至今,他已完成了24本小說;其中有17本登上美國暢銷書排行榜,有13部作品被改編成電影,截自目前為止,作品總銷售量已突破三千萬本。 > >【經歷】 >• 曾獲紐澤西州婦女聯盟所頒發的『傑出女性獎章』 >• 紐約市教育委員會所頒發的『傑出愛爾蘭人士』獎章 >• 愛因斯坦學院所頒發『傑出成就獎』 >• 1997年4月,獲得Horatio Alger文學獎 >• 1980年,在法國得到文學大賞,同時,其作品法國暢銷書排行榜上蟬聯冠軍 > >【中文出版作品】 >‧消逝中的女人 >‧後會誰說無期 > > >英文版介绍 > >About the Queen of Suspense > >Born and raised in New York, Mary Higgins Clark is of Irish >descent. "The Irish are, by nature, storytellers," says Clark, >who considers her Irish heritage an important influence on her >writing. > >Mary's father died when she was ten. Her mother struggled to >bring up Mary and her two brothers. After graduating from high >school, Mary went to secretarial school, so she could get a job > and help her mother with the family finances. After working for >three years in an advertising agency, travel fever seized her. >For the year 1949, she was a stewardess on Pan American Airlines' >international flights, to see the world. "My run was Europe, >Africa and Asia," Mary recalls. "I was in a revolution in Syria >and on the last flight into Czechoslovakia before the Iron >Curtain went down. I flew for a year and then got married." > >She married a neighbor, Warren Clark. Nine years her senior, she >had known him since she was 16. Soon after her marriage, she >started writing short stories. She sold her first short story to Extension Magazine in 1956 for $100, after six years and forty >rejection slips. "I framed that first letter of acceptance," she >recalls. >Mary was left a young widow with five children by the death of > her husband, Warren Clark, from a heart attack in 1964. She went > to work writing radio scripts and, in addition, decided to write >books. >Every morning, she got up at 5 and wrote until 7, when she had to >get the kids ready for school. Her first book was a biographical > novel about the life of George Washington, Aspire to the >Heavens. "It was remaindered as it came off the press," she says >of her first try. Next, she decided to write a suspense novel, >Where Are the Children?, which became a bestseller and marked a >turning point in her life and career. >Mary decided to take time for things she had always wanted to do. > So far, she had put all her energies into her children's >education. Now she was going to catch up on her own. In 1974, she >entered Fordham University at Lincoln Center and graduated summa >cum laude in 1979, with a B.A. in philosophy. In May 1988, she returned to her alma mater as commencement speaker. She is a >trustee of Fordham University and a member of the Board of >Regents at St. Peter's College. She has thirteen honorary >doctorates. >After many years of widowhood, she married John J. Conheeney, >retired Merrill Lynch Futures CEO, on November 30, 1996. They now live in Saddle River, New Jersey; they also have an apartment in >Manhattan and summer homes in Spring Lake, New Jersey and Dennis, > Massachusetts. Between them, they have a large family -- Mary >Higgins Clark has five children and six grandchildren, and her >husband has four children and nine grandchildren. > > >Honors & Awards >Among the many honors she has received are The Women of >Achievement award from the Federation of Women's Clubs in New >Jersey, the Irish Woman of the Year award from the Irish-American >Heritage and Cultural Week Committee of the Board of Education of > the City of New York, the Gold Medal of Honor from the American- >Irish Historical Society, the Spirit of Achievement Award from >the Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University and >the National Arts Club's first Gold Medal in Education. In April 1997, she received the Horatio Alger Award. She is an active >advocate and participant in literacy programs. >Mary was made a Dame of the Order of St. Gregory the Great, a >papal honor. She is also a Dame of Malta and a Dame of the Holy >Sepulcher of Jerusalem. >She was awarded the Grand Prix de Literature of France in 1980. >Her books are published in translation around the world and are >world-wide bestsellers. She is a #1 bestseller in France. >She was Chairman of the International Crime Congress, held in New >York in May 1988. She was the 1987 president of the Mystery >Writers of America and, for many years, on the Board of Directors >of the Mystery Writers of America. > >
※来源: 【 推理之门 Tuili.Com 】.