看了那部新福音战士的动画片便爱上了这首 fly me to the moon
poets often use many words【诗人往往用纷繁复杂的语言】
to say a simple thing【去述说一个简单的故事】
it takes thought and time and rhyme【其中需要多少时间和韵律的思量】
to make a poem sing【才能诗成一首】
with music and words i've been playing【随着播放着的音乐与歌词】
for you i have written a song【我为你写下了这首歌】
to be sure that you know what i'm saying【为了让你明白我的心意】
i'll translate as i go along【离别前我将会为你精心译唱】
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